Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape but its first practical test goes
271Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape but its first practical test goes -
431在不久的将来,企业权力和环境衰败正在蹂躏着地球。Hen(西尔莎·罗南 Saoirse Ronan 饰)和Junior(保罗·麦斯卡 Paul Mescal 饰)是一对年轻夫妇,结婚七年,在他们与世隔绝的农场过着孤独的生活。一天晚上,一个名叫Terrance(亚伦·皮埃尔 Aaron Pierre 饰 -
471Milan. On the night before his retirement after 35 years without having fired a shot, Lieutenant Amore sees his world turned upside down. But maybe it