265该剧讲述亚瑟·麦考伊(库珀饰)和臭名昭著、独来独往的赏金猎人红色比尔(布斯饰)为期8天的冲突展开。红色比尔以斩断受害者的头颅并将其塞入一个肮脏的黑袋子而闻名。该剧与经典的意大利西部片相呼应并向其致敬,讲述了赏金猎人、土匪和血腥的仇杀,以及被信仰、爱情和复仇等激情驱使的孤独灵魂。 -
欧洲铁路之旅 第四季
354Michael Portillo travels on the great train routes of Europe, as he retraces the journeys featured in George Bradshaw's 1913 Continental Railway Guide -
欧洲铁路之旅 第三季
863Michael Portillo travels on the great train routes of Europe, as he retraces the journeys featured in George Bradshaw's 1913 Continental Railway Guide